Use of DNA tests and their selection
With genetic analyses, we look directly into the genome and, depending on the question, look at certain sections or, in studies, the whole genome.
Depending on the results' significance, the examinations can be classified as follows:
- Diagnostic tests: The examination provides a clear statement about the expression of a certain single hereditary predisposition and its consequences.
- Risk assessment: Depending on the test result, the risk for the occurrence of a certain disease is modified.
- Identity determination: The DNA markers examined have no involvement in hereditary diseases or traits. The combination of marker alleles (DNA profile 'identity) is unique and unambiguous.
Knowledge gained by DNA tests
Many questions can be addressed with the results from DNA tests:
- Does a hereditary disease exist or will it occur?
- Does my animal carry a hidden hereditary disposition for a disease or a certain trait?
- Is the parentage correct as stated?
- How diverse is my animal's genetic make-up compared to others?