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Use of archived samples

Request for samples from DNA programmes

In our DNA programmes, breeding clubs and breeders' associations can organize themselves in matters of DNA diagnostics and thus establish long-term and stable testing procedures. This may mean that a sample from your animal is already in our archives, which you can use for further testing.


In our archive there are samples of dogs from the following clubs:

  1. German Shepherd Dog Club (Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde e.V. - SV) - from 01.01.2008 born puppies
  2. German Dachshund Club 1888 e.V. (Deutscher Teckelklub - DTK) - from 01.01.2012 born puppies
  3. Dobermann Club e.V. (Dobermannverein - DV) - from 01.01.2012 born puppies


For your request please fill in the fields below. We will inform you by e-mail about the further process. The prices visible in the store apply. If DNA programme conditions apply, these will be taken into account when creating the order.


Specifications of animal(s) and sample(s)

Requested services

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