Rank 1 in international comparative studies on DNA typing in dogs and horses
Rank 1 certifies the awarded laboratories an accuracy of 98-100% with regard to genotyping. These quality assurance studies are organized and monitored by ISAG, the International Society for Animal Genetics.
The comparative study on canine DNA typing used the 21 STR markers "dog" recommended by ISAG to check the quality of genetic testing. 74 laboratories participated, of which 77 percent achieved first place. Generatio has consistently achieved this ranking in previous DNA typing tests on dogs.
ISAG certificate ring trial "dog":
In the equine DNA typing ring trial, 94 laboratories participated, of which 83 percent were awarded rank 1. In this comparative study, the typing of the 12 STR markers "horse" recommended by the ISAG was verified.
ISAG certificate ring trial "horse":
ISAG is a scientific society that provides a forum for the exchange of information, methods and materials between members and for standardization of genotyping nomenclature.