Our Christmas present to all horse lovers: Muscle Integrity Myopathy Test now permanently cheaper!

Great news for horse owners, breeders and vets at the end of the year! Our genetic tests for the detection of stress myopathies are now cheaper - both as individual tests and as a package:
Our new prices:
- MIM test (Muscle Integrity Myopathy Test): € 199.50
- Combination package (MIM + PSSM1): €239.50
- Exertional Myopathies (EM-9 genes): €299.50
What is Muscle Integrity Myopathy?
Muscle Integrity Myopathy is form of Exertional Myopathy, in which the structure and/or function of the muscle is disrupted. It is caused by hereditary predisposition and various environmental factors (age, feeding, husbandry). Typical symptoms can include unexplained lameness, muscle stiffness, difficulties with gait changes/coordination, reluctance to move, muscle atrophy and/or difficulty building muscle. Almost any breed of horse can be affected.
Six genetic variants that can disrupt muscle structure and/or function have been identified in horses. These predispose a horse to developing symptoms of exertional myopathy.
Our MIM test identifies six genetic variants that can predispose a horse and increase the risk of developing the corresponding symptoms. With early diagnosis, horse owners, veterinarians and breeders can take targeted measures to improve the health and quality of life of their animals.