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Faktor IX Deficiency | Haemophilia B (F9 Rhodesian Ridgeback)

Factor IX deficiency or haemophilia B (F9 deficiency) is a blood coagulation disorder. Factor 9 is a glycoprotein and plays an important role in the signalling cascade of blood clotting. When the disease occurs, there is a deficiency of factor 9, which causes the affected animals to show symptoms such as intense and prolonged bleeding when injured (e.g. also after surgery).

This genetic variant of the disease occurs in the Rhodesian Ridgeback. The disease is inherited in an X-linked recessive manner.

Synonym: Christmas disease


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Fawn | Sable (Coat colour A-Locus Dog)

The dog is sand-coloured or light brown with black hair tips all over the body. This colouration is caused by the Ay allele of the Agouti locus.


See: Agouti (Coat colour A-Locus Dog)

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Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (FIS Horse)

In Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (FIS), affected foals cannot produce antibodies. This nonfunctional immune system leads to anemia and early death.

The disease occurs in Fell and Dales ponies and is inherited autosomal recessively.


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Frame Overo (Coat colour pattern Horse)

With Frame Overo Spotting, the horse has a distinct, horizontal orientation of white patches and a coloured back. The pattern is very variable in appearance, sometimes with very little or no white. Often there is a blaze with more white in the forehead region. Blue eyes and a coloured upper lip are also possible. The term "frame" indicates that the white patches usually do not exceed the back when viewed from the side.


Horses with one copy (O/n) show the spotting. Horses with two copies of the mutation (O/O) are affected by OLWS (Overo Lethal White Syndrome) and die within a few days after birth due to constipation colic.


Genetic Test: available in Shop

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Friesian Dwarfism (FD Horse)

Frisian dwarfism (FD) causes abnormal growth of the legs and chest, resulting in severe health problems. The disease is inherited autosomal recessively.

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Furnishing - Improper Coat (Coat type Dog)

Furnishing (wire-haired) refers to the length and texture of the hair. The dog has rather wavy to curly coat and very pronounced hair on eyebrows and beard. This coat structure occurs in many different breeds.


Genetic Test: available in Shop

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